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Besides being pioneer of the SHG movement in the state, Chaitanya is also one of the very few organizations in the country providing training and resource services to others, based on experiential learning.


A member of National Network of Resource Organizations (ENABLE), and Livelihood Manthan, Chaitanya has been recognized as a resource organization on self-help groups/ community based micro- finance in the country. It is also a national resource organization for NRLM across the country. The trainings offered include financial literacy, women’s legal knowledge building, livelihood enhancement, organizational management and development with focus on resource mobilization.


When SHG - Bank linkage programme celebrated its Silver Jubilee anniversary in 2017, Chaitanya was felicitated by NABARD for its 25 years of significant contribution to SHG programme in the country.


In 2016, Chaitanya promoted a new organisation - WISE - to identify, create, capture, manage and share the knowledge and expertise of Chaitanya's 25 years' experience. WISE networks and partners with other institutions to augment learning and development in the sector.  

capacity building

Chaitanya WISE provides trainings on finance, development and gender to various other institutions.

field research and pilots

Conducts research evaluations and field level pilots with partners to innovate and provide better services.

academics and practice

We endeavour to close the loop between what academics provide and what practitioners need.

technology infusion

Technology has to go hand in hand with finance and development if we aim to reach the last mile.


©2019 by Chaitanya

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